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GE Digital Group Gold Authorized Distributor, 25 years of experience in Proficy series software product sales and factory intelligence solutions, GED Authorized Technical Training Center.

Historian for Linux

具有工业时序数据和A&E数据采集功能, 用于本地或云的存储和分析。


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What is Historian for Linux?


Historian for Linux is a high-performance timeseries database designed to store and retrieve time-based information at a high speed. It runs on Linux platform using Docker technology. Historian for Linux is a collection of several docker images such as Historian database, Historian REST Query Service (for data query), Historian Web Admin Service and various Historian Collectors. These docker images run and serve different purposes around Historian database.


Overview of Historian for Linux capabilities


Historian for Linux provides the following benefits:


• Time Series data archiving


• REST API for data query – Data query REST APIs are exactly the same as Predix time series REST API.


• Web Admin Console – – Historian Web Admin Console acts as an admin console of Historian for Linux database.


• OAUTH2 integration – The Historian for Linux data query Rest API honors OAUTH2-based authentication and authorization. Web Admin Console & Tuner also honor OAUTH2 based authentication and authorization.


• Collector Toolkit library – Used for implementing collectors that ingest data into Historian for Linux


 • User API Library – C library for programmatically adding, deleting, and configuring tags for collectors


• Server to Server Collector – Stream data of one Historian to another Historian or to Predix Time series. It helps in data filtering.


• OPCUA DA Collector – Collects data from OPCUA DA Server and streams data to Historian. • MQTT Collector – Subscribes to MQTT broker and streams data to Historian. This Collector helps to integrate Historian for Linux to Data bus of Predix Edge.


• You can also change configuration properties of Historian database such as data collection rate, archiving style (Day wise, Hour wise) by JSON file with help of Tuner service.





Historian for Linux 常见问题解答

以下常见问题可以帮助您浏览 Historian for Linux 产品。

